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archive 2001 07:2001 | 08:2001 | 09:2001 | 10:2001 | 11:2001 | 12:2001
july 2001

07|24|01 - link section added
new link section takes you directly to the hp´s of the 30 top of the globe producers, remixers & artists - take a look!

07|06|01 - get interactive!
fill in the mailform for more interactivity. be part of the hh-community. join now!

august 2001

08|27|01 - private parts cut for more objectivity
all subjective parts/sections have now been cut. Although the content of the hh-list still mirrors only my own "sense of intelligent techno-trance-electronica music" I am still of the opinion that the tracks listed definitely just HAVE to rock masses because of their genius structure, astonishing art of programming, wonderful melodies and harmonies and/or other factors implying a certain "intellect" or "level". Taking this into consideration you should be allowed to speak at least of "part-objectivity" in this context. Check ´em out and mail your comment! ;)

08|12|01 - content structure improved, three new sections
as you see the structure and appearance of the page has been improved. now there are three main sections [news, releases, heavenly hymns] of which the second one provides you with an upfront collection of near-future must-haves. Attention: this stuff is hot!

[ to the top ]
september 2001

09|05|01 - linking features improved
and again major changes have taken place. despite most of the subjectivity throughout the page has gone the site has grown to a certain size that made it useful to establish links in itself providing it with jumping features you know from homepages in their common form. As a result, besides the possibility and the space to add further attractive material in the future, the comfortability and user-friendlyness have largely increased. enjoy now a new improved heavenly hymns...

[ to the top ]
october 2001

10|17|01 - redesign finished
As you maybe remember, in the newsletter for september 2001, I announced a completely new webdesign of the hh-homepage. Finally, the time has come and as you see much has changed regarding to the site´s outward appearance. To the left you can see a local techno guide for Münster listing all public technotronic events of the city. But also the content has been worked over once again. The informative links section the guys behind has been actualized and extended and is now opening ways to even more info stuff on the "top global players" in techno-trance business. Besides other smaller corrections on the content, in the interactivity section a total number of 15 new styles has been added. So do not wait any longer: fill in the mailform and get into contact! Choose your favourite styles from an amazing collection of 60 (!) different kinds of electronic music. You can use this list also to more precisely categorize your mp3s at home, for example. To establish a brighter communication between technogeeks and electrofreaks, a techno-trance forum is also planned for the near future. So watch out! But now enjoy this new impressive and contemporary experience of a legendary website. Listen to the sound of the phuture - listen to heavenly hymns!

[ to the top ]

10|16|01 - www.heavenly-hymns.de reserved
Due to the growing popularity of the heavenly hymns webproject the homepage itself will soon also be accessible under a new official domain which is shorter and easier to remember: www.heavenly-hymns.de. Since this is going to be a redirector domain targetting the muenster.org webspace account, it will - of course - still be possible to access heavenly hymns by using the present address. Watch out for the domain launch!

[ to the top ]
november 2001

11|27|01 - many newentries and some graphical extensions
As you will see in the heavenly-hymns list, there are - until now - six(!) newentries this month - a quite astonishing number if you take a look at the history of the project. But what is the reason for this in a season where you can find brandnew high quality trance tracks only on the other half of the bowl we live on?? Well, actually, most of the pieces added are little older ones, but as we all know: "oldie, but goldie". Three of the tracks added do not come from sunny Australia or so, but from the fresh and fruity depths of the internet scene. To be more precisely from Mike Olson with his trance project Guardians Of The Earth whose smasher Starchildren Paul van Dyk dedicated a rework to (can be found on the second cd of his mix-compilation The Politics Of Dancing). The G.O.T.E. project actually seems to have only been known in the US and rather in the net scene so far. So visit these great guys at mp3.com, support them and download their excellent stuff for free!!
Safri Duo’s Played-A-Live, however, can certainly be condemned as mainstream. I thought and thought about if I should add the track to the list or not. "But what the hell does it within this list then?", you may lament. Well, it is the wonderful bright and ultralight strings that are used in this piece. Especially in the Airscape Mix they seem to be full of happiness and warmth. Every time you hear this song great summer feelings arise that are kicked to the max by progressive drum sounds and bongo rhythms. This one is definitely a small masterpiece. Although it has much of Dune’s earlier hit I Can’t Stop Raving (regarding the melody and accords), it has deserved it because of its fly-away style euphorizing the masses. And right this is decisive for a track in order to enter this list.
The track Home by Chakra is a bit older but has the power of a real trance hymn that could become one of those melotronic evergreens if it has not already become it yet. Although also the Solar Stone remix has to be recommended, the interpretation of the project Above & Beyond slightly wins the race.
Also A & B’s current remix release of Delerium’s album piece Underwater turns out to be a smart and uprising trancer that immediately managed to enter the heavenly hymns list. Fly away trance at its best!

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december 2001

12|30|01 - a clubby new year
...to all you trancers out there!! heavenly-hymns would like to a express a great "thank you", much apprecciation and respect to all the visitors and supporters of this project. Without you and the trance and club scene itself it would not be as far as interesting and exciting to run such a website with all the work and effort related to it, and to get involved into the whole thing! So thanks to everybody, have some wonderful days and, of course, enjoy a great silvester party. with the best wishes for an amazing, blow-away 2002 of techno-trance music... your hh-team

12|09|01 - link section started
"Where can I find other cool german or international techno-trance websites?" "Where can I download th newest filesharing software?" "Where can I get infos on producing equipment?" These are only a few possible questions soon being answered in the brandnew link section. A frequently growing pool of information on almost everything you can imagine and that is related to the music of the future will guide you to the most interesting places throughout the web - from the scene for the scene. Enter here and explore the world of electronic music...

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12|03|01 - hh-list reinforced by "politics of dancing" tracks
Yesterday I finally purchased PVD’s DJ mix compilation "The Politics Of Dancing", although the cd has been released almost one month ago. But I was sure that this record would be THE trancer of the winter season. Already Paul’s gig at muenster’s cosmic on november 30th (> see this article) convinced me of the high quality of the tracks on this compilation. As Paul told in the VIVA interview on November 5th it must have been a great challenge to reduce the huge number of almost 60 tracks that he "selected" for as possible pieces for this compilation to a total number of 34 tracks being mixed together in the end. Furthermore, the fact that this is PVD’s first dj mix compilation ever shows that it also was a courageous experiment. But the hard work and re-work deserves a great success of the compilation. For both loyal trancers and good old time ravers p.o.d. is definitely a must-have. Therefore the double cd compilation is the featured cd-tip for december, although it actually should have been announced as it last month (I was forced to take the columbia ep as a temporary solution, since I did not manage to buy this extraordinary cd) ;). But now everybody: get this one. You will not regret it. Excellent stuff - for your party, for your home session, for your car, for your snowy winter rave, for your lifestyle! Many tracks on this compilation have already made it into the list. After acribic analysis and evaluation of each track I have finally come to a selection of tracks, that turn out to be real enrichments for our list. Almost every track on this compilation is really amazing, and many of them have this specific level and quality which is necessary for adding the track. The conditions are hard as you know but these newcomers have passed them. So be prepared for this new wave of first-class trance productions (> see here).

** this article is not subject to any purpose of commercial promotion. it is exclusively based on the author’s personal impression and valuation of the record and is to be understood as a neutral non-commercial recommendation.

12|01|01 - Paul van Dyk rocked Cosmic Club
Tall Paul did it again! First I was not quite sure about if I rather should go to Mr. Mason who also played yesterday but at Fusion Club. Well, finally I decided to go to Paul and stay there because I wanted some trancy sounds after those numerous schranzy weeks. And this turned out to be a decision I have not regreted at all. Sure, if you ever heard Mason you know that he is enchanting his audience the same way. [paul van dyk] But back to Paul. He played a wonderful, very progressive tech-trance set which pushed the cosmic crowd slowly but impulsively higher and higher into glimmering and glittering spheres and dimensions. It was the first time that I went to a pvd live dj gig and by now I know, that people told nothing but the truth when they tried to describe this unique atmosphere and emotional excess that is typical for Paul’s performances. The tracks he played from his mix compilation The Politics Of Dancing all turned out to be real party burners! Each piece he played has to be titeled a masterpiece in itself. Paul enchanted the crowd with his genious feeling for the right things to the right time. And after almost seven hours of djing he reached what he already had reached during the whole time: geeks and freaks with glancing faces full of happiness and energy melting together into one whole. It was communication, communication between him and the people on the one hand, and the people among themselves on the other hand. It was undescribable, unforgettable, unique! Thank you, Paul. We love you!

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last update: 07|26|13

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short news

new favourites
The hover box above has been updated with hot tunes. party on!

section update: old masters
...some artist names have been put in to get this section started. Nothing spectacular though.

tech news: abc links problem fixed!
the abc quick links at the top of the a-list and the [ top ] links there are functional again. However, it takes some more time to repair other section's [ top ] links and anchors. This is due to the SEO works (header modification for ext. access). Please scroll instead and still avoid using the quick and cross links mentioned above. Thanks!

tech news: DB text errors fixed
The char errors on the newentries page ("\" preceding special chars like """ and "") are fixed.

today: sat | 02|08|25
