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archive 2004 02:2004 | 08:2004 | 11:2004
february 2004

02|18|04 - Some news from Kyau vs. Albert
Two weeks ago Kyau vs. Albert’s single "Velvet Morning" has been released in the UK once again. This week it has entered the Official UK Dance Charts (see here).

[ralph moebiu, anjuna, a&b, oceanlab @ KISS, London] By this reason Ralph from K. vs. A. has been invited by the London radio station Kiss last week. Luckily he has also encountered the guys from Anjunabeats which is the name of a high quality and widely respected English (partly Swedish) trance label as the lovers of intelligent and emotive trance music among you surely know well. For the first time on heavenly hymns you can take a look at some of the most noteworthy since talented and creative artists and producers of cutting-edge i-trance (if not to call their names at least among the pioneers of this new interpretation of trance music with those characteristic undescribable deep and wide brilliant soundscapes, well-designed patterns and fine-tuned hooks).

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On the picture above, from the left to the right in order: Ralph (from Kyau vs. Albert), James (manager of the Anjunabeats Label) and Jono & Paavo who sign responsible for numerous absolutely gorgeous and hugely successful releases. They should be better known to the geeks and freaks as Above & Beyond and Ocean Lab. Heavenly hymns is proud to exclusively feature and support the sound of these guys for more than four years of its existence now, as you should easily be able to see in our heavenly hymns list.

[anjunabeats logo] Besides this, new releases of Kyau vs. Albert are also to be expected quite soon. The next single and the upcomming album are to be released before summer 2004 on Euphonic (distribution: Sony Music). Heavenly hymns are keeping you informed about this hot issue!! ;)

We would like to use the opportunity to assure that listings of productions by the guys mentioned here are like all others on the whole website absolutely neutral and reduced to their function of contributing to establish and provide an as-far-as-possible extensive survey that shows what we think definitely belongs to the best in state-of-the-art techno-trance music. We would like to stress that our project is 100 percent non-profit. It doesn’t persue any claim to completeness nor obligation. It is simply to be understood as a web portal for the delivering of recommendations, background information, scene hints and helpful guidelines... You know what we stand for, what we fight for. Check the tracks out, build your opinion and get into contact with us. Send your proposals, add-ons, reviews, articles etc., become interactive. Everybody can take part in our mission to crystallize and mesmerize the creme of hypermelodic emotive and intelligent electronic dance music. > contact@heavenly-hymns.de. We are waiting eagerly! =)

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02|18|04 - Ferry Corsten coming back with debut artist album!
After Ferry’s smash hit single "Rock your body, rock" now the follow-up is beginning to storm the global dancefloors. It is called "Right Of Way" and will simultaneously be the official title of his debut album as an artist. The single prerelease "Right Of Way" is accompanied by a track called "Kyoto" once again stressing the artist’s global interaction and his peaceful but impressive and urging approach in the sensitive questions of our times like en. We are sure that Ferry will once again convince by the superb emotional power his masterpieces and succeed in transporting messages that can melt people all over the planet together and maybe even sharpen their views and attitudes towards certain things... We will see.
The album will be released world-wide between February and March 2004 and assumingly under Tsunami. Media is already discussing and previewing this album as being a step forward in electronical dance music!! More exciting stuff will be followed around the release of Ferry’s album. So make sure to watch out for these treats...

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02|10|04 - they call him john askew
If there’s one young and talented quality trance producer who has definitely got a run these days then we guess it’s going to be nothing less than John Askew.
[paul van dyk - time of our lives / connected - cover] John Askew is without doubt one of the hottest tech/trance producer/djs in the UK, if not the World, right now. After the huge success of his debut single "Vellum" in 2001, he has delivered release after release of consistently high quality club music – either on his own Discover label or via one of his many remixes for high profile labels such as Duty Free, Ministry of Sound, Euphonic and Paul van Dyk’s legendary Vandit. From guest appearances on BBC Radio One, to London’s prestigious Kiss 100 offering him his own show; from exclusive residencies at two of the world’s most influential clubs (The Gallery and Ministry of Sound) to an ever increasing diary of guest slots around the world, John Askew is now enjoying the rewards for over a decade of consistently hard work. For two years John has rocked the main room at Ministry with his legendary, end-of-the-night sets. Since 2001 John [paul van dyk - time of our lives / connected - cover] has also been pushing his distinctive sounds to the masses through his record label - Discover - which has seen releases from the likes of The Thrillseekers, Pablo Gargano and Germany’s Kyau vs. Albert to name but a few. Today, Discover is often credited in the press as a trend setting label that enjoys almost cult status. Its strict music policies, instigated by John, firmly oppose "cheesy" melodies, predictable clichés and horrendous, meaningless female vocals that in John’s mind have tarnished so much of the scene today. John’s DJ sets reflect his highly opinionated views on music. His ear for high-quality music, without always taking the obvious anthemetic route, and subtle, yet highly emotive melodies, derived from years of song writing in a plethora of rock bands, makes each and every one of John’s sets unique.
Heavenly Hymns would therefore like to firmly express its deepest respect to John Askew. May this hell of a genious artist delight us with further great releases and performances! =)

more info about John Askew

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august 2004

08|18|04 - The space is "voller Sterne"
Euphonic’s star producer Mirco de Govia is about to single release the big star among the masterpieces of his Chronosphere [mirco de govia] album. The track is called Voller Sterne and already built a high-quality chill tune in the midst of the great collection of real trance hymns on Chronosphere. Highly engaged in contemporary and future studio technologies and open-minded for new influences and somehow antique style elements in his recent works Mirco is going to provide us with further great stuff forged together in his fantasies and engineered by making use of his great producing skills.
Voller Sterne will be released as the third piece of his first artist album after such fulminant, driving tracks lik Epic Monolith, Things That Matter and - to add one of his earlier works - Mindspring. The remix works for this yearningly awaited, brandnew Euphonic output are contributed by illustre guys like Super8 and maybe other trancy highlights.
We will keep you informed about the exact release date. Watch out for this wonderful cd / 12" vinyl. =)

more info about Mirco de Govia | more info about Euphonic

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08|15|04 - Draft 2 Design are celebrating the victory of emotion
It seems as if they had performed investigations in classical philosophical topics related to Kant’s research about the relation between emotion and ratio, between passion or temptation and self-discipline, ...between affection and reason. [D2D - Affection Over Reason] And here we are with the title of Draft 2 Design’s newest masterpiece Affection Over Reason which is going to be released these days. Listening just about two or three times leeds the trance passionate to the conviction that Jop van Amelsfoort and Jim Hermsen obviously succeeded in forging their philosophical insights and innermost gained experiences into a heart-felt musical interpretation of majectic, almost epic nature.
Yes, the affection felt by the average trance enthusiast to this tune can be presumed to be great, rather to avoid speaking of addiction the listener probably could experience when enjoying the warmly balanced sounds pouring out of the speakers...
The dutch pruducer duo, by the way, also signs responsible for the musical output under the pseudonyme Outback, which should be better known to the trance community by such great productions like Minds In Motion and the newer State Of Emergency. Minds In Motion has been one of the biggest crowdpleasers of summer 2003, a trance monster championed by the likes of Armin van Buuren, DJ Tiësto, Markus Schulz, Paul van Dyk, DJ Elusive, DJ Precision and lots more. The track was also featured on the hugely popular Dance Valley compilation of 2003.

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Indeed, the final version of Affection Over Reason was definitely worth the period of zeal and trouble the producers had to burden themselves with. A great melodic wave is slowly but all the firmly developing until its consolidation into an embossed, somehow lofty theme gliding on with an astonishing extent of detail and variety. Synthesizers in general come to a well-dosed use liberating the work from such widly spread problems of exaggeration and obtrusiveness.
To sum up, the two dutchmen knew at every step during the production what they wanted and where they would like the elements and traces to develop. Consequently, they managed to make a big hit through which they let the machines speak - huge, solid, calm but also driving. Get off and fetch this well-done record! =)

more info about Armada Music / ASOT (subdiv.) (label of Outback / D2D)

[ unfortunately, a website is currently not at hand - hh notifies you as soon as one is created ]

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08|10|04 - after summer pause: hh2004 back with some news
yes, and again, the last months were full of work, enervating, tiring - no time for news updates. That's the reason why we were forced to feed you up with Euphonic’s young producers for such a long time. Now that there’s a bit more free space we hope to be able to provide you with some interesting info on events, new releases and general thoughts all around this unbelievably great summer of trance 2004.
This year is definitely about to become a historical annual and can be already considered as being capable of delivering milestone deveopments in new trance stylisms, rhythmic combinations and production quality in general. Many well-produced pieces are still delighting our minds with glassy, christal-clear samples and multiple transparent and dynamic layers.
Splashing beats, funky vibes, smart and groovy basslines which are often cleverly arranged are dismissing us into pure pleasure and are making us look eagerly forward to ever more fantastic releases. The end is not at all reached. The beat goes on and on melting us all together in the crowds - sweatty and ratty, funky and crazy...

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november 2004

11|06|04 - fresh and clear and energizing - the new wave of sound
Back again with a colorful bunch of new trance flowers heavenly hymns is proud to officially declare 2004 a year - if not to say THE - year of intelligent trance music. The slightest doubts - if they were some at all - should definitely have passed by in the course of the summer months.

[get into the future - heavenly-hymns.de] Now that we are almost in the midst of the cold seasons a new flow of absolutely stunning productions arrives in order to pour through the speakers delivering honest works by experienced personalities in trance business. These tunes got it all: unforgettable and unique groove and variety and smart arrangement that simply drives you crazy. Crystal clear audio samples, gigantic spheres and wide, complex sound carpets soft like butter garnished with juicy drops or sharpened edges with ultimate echoing, rotation and wha-wha-effects make your electronic heart cry. New stars, new trance professionals and engineering freaks are coming into the mental inheritance of growths like Gabriel & Dresden, James Holden, Bedrock and finally Markus Schulz to celebrate their idea of 21st century electronic dance music and to please various tastes at once with what might be described best as a compatible but non-commercial, highly attractive and addictive "superstyle".

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Four Benz & MD tunes are pleasing the hh alpha list with their presence now. Astar’s "Snowfall" fills the home listener such as the rave clubber with unrestricted enthusiasm by its overwhelming melodic structure. With Astrix’s "Coolio" we have another representative of some kind of "goaistic" style, not of classic goa artwork, rather in a less beat-strict manner and mixed up with innovative progressive elements. Furthermore, the tune comes up with average tempo and is 100 percent raveable.
With regard to "CQ (Seek You)" by Enmass, some trance friend might argue that it has - measured at constituted higher demands - more or less upper standard quality, but the heavenly hymns likes to remind of the wonderful Mesh productions such as "Purple Haze" and "Esthetic Visions" (already solid members of the list since their time of release 2003). These tracks are of the same nature and they are classy and dignified to be a part of our primier collection. "CQ" is well-produced and full of power and passion. Upper standard, maybe, ok, but definitely a check worth and equipped with an enduring listening and dancing motivation.´ "Emotional Breeze" by the project Foreign Force is a very nice unusual structure accompanied by some courageous playings with drum entries and grooves pleasantly diverging from known comparable productions of other artists. This one is natural and humanized and we welcome, respect and support those proceedings and development processes.

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The next tracks we would like to introduce you to, are the "Lost Sequence" by Fractal Structure, Genix’ ",Reconnected" and Jan Gustafsson’s "Future History". The first one is designed very casual and takes every piece and calmness it could get to build up its very own story and atmosphere - well made, fresh and unconventional. The second one, produced by Genix turns out to be a energy-loaded Push- or Pulser-like speed machine heating the party crowds with dense beats and a very progressive grooveline - upper standard!! Jan Gustafsson seems to become an unstoppable size in nordic trance business: his fourth tune has made it to the list and fully deserved it - a fantastic gripping melody and fantastic spheres are pulling you steadily and ever onward to the northern realms showing you another idea of contemporary trance music. However, 2004 is going into its last breaths and we, too, are growingly getting breathless on behalf of these pure masterpieces... enjoy our newentries!

[ to be continued ]

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last update: 07|26|13

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today: sat | 02|08|25
