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archive 2006 01:2006 | 04:06 | 05:06 | 07:06 | 08:06 | 10:06 | 11:06 | 12:06
december 2006

12|28|2006 - hh.awards launched / three new sections opened

[hh.awards] Right on time before the beginning of the new year, heavenly-hymns.de is proud to introduce a new alpha list feature! From the next issue on certain hh.alpha newentries might be awarded out of a particular reason, for example for first-class strings, for professional composition, for extreme creativity and some more. The hh.awards are given on a monthly base, though there can also be awardless months. This feature is meant as an instrument to honour single new tracks of extraordinary quality in the framework of our top list. Moreover, it is to encourage listeners to pay special attention to the quality attribute awarded and, as an ideal consequence, to enable them to experience the most brilliant pieces in a more sensible and satisfying way.
> explore

Furthermore, the info sections copyright, heavenly.history and heavenly.future have been opened, mainly to give you first impressions of what may await you there one day, but also to get rid of nasty error messages you may have encountered during your site explorations. Further improvements in user-friendlyness and coding are scheduled between january and march 2007.

12|25|2006 - merry x-mas / alpha list december issue, part III

Merry x-mas to all of you, everywhere you are! (especially to Jennyvie, all at ZGS and DED in Harare (ZIM), to PCM in Pretoria (RSA), Ratherford in Utrecht (NL), Jan in Belem (BRA), Natalia in Poland(?), Claire in Brisbane (AUS) and every progger in Finland and the Netherlands (this must have been confessed one day.. ;)).

A third and final package of over 20 must-have tracks has been integrated into the alpha list just before new year’s eve involves us into big parties and festivals all around the planet. We also put together all the talents for you who conquered the prime list (for the first time) this month [look at the right side then] Nice days!   > hh.alpha list

12|23|2006 - Mike Brin special

[mike brin] On your night journeys through trance clubs and record stores you may have come across one relatively new artist name not heard often yet but standing for an interesting more or less slow but steadily developing and forcing trancey progressive style that tickles you because of its stoicism and thrilling determination.

We are talking of Mike Brin this time whom we herewith dedicate our next artist special to. The young russian artist is joining our still small circle of promising artists in our new talents section.   > explore

12|19|2006 - vocal trance getting better again

One view at our alpha list shows that vocal trance has - if at all - only eperienced some attention in the early days of the hh project. Nevertheless there have always been some very great tunes that have deserved to be specially honoured. As the cloud 8 concept has not been launched yet heavenly-hymns.de has crawled through the alpha list to bring you some of the best vocal trance pieces for the x-mas holidays. The warmth, the width and the harmonies will definitely conjure pleasant moods and feelings for the contemplative days of the year. Just look after the following tunes and experience that vocal trance must not be enervating or too importunate. The advanced among you can find some more vocalized pieces in the alpha list and also in the beta list.

- Ayumi Hamasaki - Whatever (Ferry Corsten Vocal Mix)
- Cass & Slide - Perception (Vocal Mix)
- Chakra - Love Shines Through (Original Vocal Version)
- Detacher feat. Alya - In It (Original Vocal Mix)
- Devine - Still Believe (Vincent de Moor Remix)
- DJ Tiesto feat. Nicola Hitchcock - In My Memory (G. & D. Elephant Memory Vocal Mix)
- DT8 feat. Roxanne Wilde - Destination (Vocal Mix)
- Gabriel Batz feat. Desiree Larretche - Daydream (Vocal Mix)
- Gouryella - Gouryella (Vocal Edit)
- Hiver & Hammer feat. Javah - 5 Million Miles (Vocalized Club Mix)
- Lingen & Moore - Passion (Robert Nickson Vocal Remix)
- Lustral - Solace (Beetseekers Remix)
- Masters & Nickson feat. Justine Suissa - Out There (5th Dimension) (Vocal Mix)
- NRC - Here Comes The Rain (Push Vocal Remix)
- Ocean Lab feat. Justine Suissa - Sky Falls Down (Original Vocal Mix)
- Orion - See Me Here (Darren Tate’s Beachcomber Vocal Mix)
- Reflekt feat. Delline Bass - Need To Be Loved (The Thrillseekers Remix)
- Shane 54 - Too Late To Turn (Armin van Buuren 2002 Vocal Mix)
- Signum feat. Anita Kelsey - Come Around Again (Vocal Extended Mix)
- Sunscreem vs. Push - Please Save Me (Vocal Mix)
- The Thrillseekers - Dreaming Of You (Vocal Club Mix)
- Yamin feat. Marcie - Blanket Of White (Original (Vox) Mix)

12|18|2006 - alpha list december issue, part II

A second selection of almost 30 wonderful tracks has been formed and added to the alpha list to boost-up every x-mas or new year’s party or to enhance intensity of your leisure time over the holidays. Heavenly-hymns.de is also happy to have dug out some elder pieces this time providing spiritualizing sounds and an almost extraterrestrial atmoshere. Listen yourself ;)   > hh.alpha list

november 2006

11|04|06 - alpha list november issue, part II

A second load of almost 20 tunes has extended the alpha list. Among them are some real pearls so checking immediately is recommended. Comments on the election process and the current trend-o-meter will be updated lateron. Enjoy your time ;)   > hh.alpha list

october 2006

10|31|06 - chill in heaven track list

[chill in heaven, vol. 1 - provisional cover] The wider selection of tracks for the hh meditational compilation series is available via the hh.delta list [3 - specials] or directly here. You can have a first glance at the pool of artist and titles candidating for the series’ first volumes. Please make sure to check this.

Moreover, a beta version of the corresponding cd cover has been worked out. you can view it in full size under the link above. As always: comments and recommendations are welcome! ;)

10|26|06 - alpha list november issue

The first part of the overdue update has been put online. Almost 50 tracks have been added. More will follow presumably in the first week of november. In the meantime just enjoy our new recommendations (hh.alpha list).
The new compilation called Chill in heaven is assuming shape these days. The selection for the first volume has almost been made. The final track list is figured to be presented in the hh.delta list at the end of the following week. We will place a brief hint in the news section when it is ready.

10|21|06 - new compilation series / hh-update

The project is proud to announce another slightly off-topic compilation with sounds diverging from what you are used to regarding heavenly-hymns.de. After the tiny "side step" of cherrishing the good old 1980’s with an already fine (though still to be extended) selection of melodic and atmospheric masterpieces of a musical era that has so effectively shaped the sounds of today it came to mind to generate an extraordinary collection of only high-class meditative sounds deriving from various stylistic directions.
Why this? Because not only since yesterday heavenly-hymns.de has been putting the nose out in chill-out, ambient, lounge, world music, new-age and meditational realms. Although it is (still) not investigated in such an extensive way as it is dealt with the core aspects of trance, progressive or breaks (and this could also be better when there would be more time available) there have come some overwhelming mind-opening musical works to our special attention that ignited the idea to compile a first part of an "ethno-spheric" series prospectively to be named chill in heaven. Further infos about this project coming soon as we are quite busy not only with the process of compilation and sound sublimation of this cd(s) but also with other tasks.

august 2006

08|15|06 - Darioef supporting heavenly-hymns.de

Famous Argentinian progressive producer Dario Fernandez, better known as Darioef is supporting our project. He put an exclusive link to our website on his one. Heavenly-hymns.de feels honoured and happy [darioef.com.ar - Dario Fernandez] to return this gesture of friendship. mutual support is the best thing to keep the scene alive and to make new contacts ;)
Heavenly-hymns.de will publish a small special about Dario and his great producing skills in the near future (see short news at the right then) [ - 03|2007: use second link at the end of this article].
At this point, we recommend to visit Dario’s nice website in the same manner Dario recommends this one. Make sure to check back regularly since South Connection Episode 006 will be downloadable soon there and everybody who had the opportunity to enjoy this great set will know what that means...

> official website of Darioef, Argentina (english)
> profile of Darioef now in hh’s new talents section!

08|13|06 - second bunch of tunes added

Two days later, a second bunch of newentries has been added to the alpha list. As usual we listened the tracks several times. But this time it had to be done again and again. The decisions have been very hard so far. But the project is convinced to have made the right ones. Once again, the quality measures have been elevated - not least because of simple matters of list space.
Additionally, if you have heard the 100th (doubtlessly professionally made) tune making use of a certain kind of well-known and foreseeable structure (esp. the typical dutch stylers with the muddy basslines or the ones equalizing the word "progressive" with just dumb-simple killer-looping while with regard to melody nothing really happens) you have to question yourself whether to put it into a list whose aim it has always been to gather refreshing tunes, dynamic pieces, complex and detailed musical journeys...
Therefore and also because of an even faster and multidimensional development in the trance and progressive scene heavenly-hymns.de is forced not only to set up even higher benchmarks, but also to dissociate from some sort of tunes that can be characterized as explained above in the broader sense.
Despite this, in the future you may find some of those tunes rather in the beta list ...if they are "good" enough. ;) For now, again, have a look at "our best piece", the (updated) alpha list > hh.alpha list

08|11|06 - first update available

Much has happened during the last months. heavenly hymns has managed to put up a first collection of carefully selected tunes, of which some are brandnew, others a bit older. Even some previously (rather) unknown artists have succeeded in jumping onto the train: Alex van Gar, Bastian Bouma, Daniel Kandi or Stefan Cambridge.
On the other hand, old masters have stressed their divine skills like for example Above & Beyond, David West, Above & Beyond and others. Embliss, Gyala, Life In Streams, M83 turn out to be of a kind you have to keep in mind for the future: mouth-wide-open sounds from the depths of human consciousness - just as trancey, progressive stuff should be... But go and convince yourself! > hh.alpha list

july 2006

07|20|06 - hh temporarily not updated!

As you certainly have recognized heavenly-hymns.de has not been updated in its regular manner since the beginning of May 2006. The website will continue being idle at least until the midst of August. Prepare for a large update of new tunes then. In the meantime just enjoy the huge bunch of elder masterpieces and keep on contacting, visiting and/or recommending this project. We are working hard to be back as soon as possible.

Another quite important topic within our circle of interest: thanks for your patience and also for your support in the may issue presented below this entry! The initiative has been very successful so far, the operation will be realized. Nevertheless: please keep on donating! Every coin will be invested in the Sengwa Primary / Secondary School at Sengwa, Gokwe, Simbabwe. The 600 pupils and their teachers need every help as the educational conditions are absolutely insufficient. In this case just change the transaction purpose into "sengwa school support". Of course, we will give an extensive report at a later point in time here at heavenly-hymns.de. Many thanks again for whatsoever ;)


may 2006

[Delight @ Bomba, Zimbabwe] 06|09|06 - The story of Delight -
new xl / mini info flyers available

Dear visitor,

this is an issue aside from trance entertainment, something serious, sad and ...urgent. As you could read in the april news I have spent almost eight weeks in southern africa, two and a half weeks of the time in Zimbabwe (five days in and around Harare and almost two weeks in Sengwa, a very small settlement (< 3.000 inhabitants) about 250 kilometers west of Harare, near Gokwe (~30.000 inhabitants) inmidst the outback of Mashonaland. We resided in dirty huts in the direct vicinity of Sengwa Primary School. Our target was to help to extend a new school building for the 600 pupils by putting the roof on top and flattening the ground inside for later concreting. Furthermore, we did some teamteaching, took part in the accompanying cultural exchange program and took several trips throughout the region.

During our work at the school we recognized a little boy suffering from a facial extension in the size of a ball. We decided to make further investigations and soon we visited his family residing in the village of Bomba nearby. There we got to know that the name of the boy is Delight and that his family has consulted several doctors in the province since the extension started to develop inevitably, on and on. After each diagnosis, the doctors reported that the extension would be surgically operable. The only problem was - like so often - the missing money. Therefore, we decided to help and, again, consulted specialized doctors in the capital city. After handing some fotos showing Delight over to them, they could make a first calculation. Including medical after-treatment the costs for the operation are approximately mounting up to 1.500 Euro.

Back in Germany now, we are trying to collect the urgently required money by asking relatives, preparing flyers and info sheets, placing donation baskets and tins at private doctors’ practices and so on.
Of course, I didn’t hesitate to put this hint on www.heavenly-hymns.de, too, hoping that as many open-hearted visitors (and I know you have your hearts at the right place, otherwise you would not visit this site and listen to warm, moody trance ;)) are willing to donate what amount ever they consider. One, two, three, five, ten or even more - it’s your choice and it’s always a good choice because you have the chance to help Delight become a new perspective in his life. You can bring delight into his day and help him to find friends, to be accepted as every other child at Sengwa or elsewhere. Give Delight a chance and donate. Thank you very much!

There are now three info flyers available - please view / download / redistribute:

VERSION 1: 1 page   Din A4, German, 184 kb [view | to zoom / download: hover image]
VERSION 2: 2 pages Din A4, German, 356 kb [view | to zoom / download: hover image]
VERSION 3: 1 page   Din A5, German, 438 kb [view | to zoom / download: hover image]
alternative: 2 Din A5 @ 1 page Din A4 (ready to print), German, 850 kb [view | to zoom / download: hover image]

Please donate!

You can find the bank account information at the end of each flyer.
Thanks for any kind of support - directly or indirectly!

additional information

- info flyers (version 1, 2 and 3) designed by staticblue mediadesign, 05|2006 - 06|2006)
- if you need the original uncompressed info flyers you can contact heavenly-hymns.de
- press hint: if you consider publishing the story in an article / report, please don’t hesitate    to contact heavenly-hymns.de

Sad to have to mention, but this is no "joke", no "hoax" or any (ashamingly) cruel story invented in criminal intent. That would distinctly interfere with heavenly hymns’ code of conduct. You can absolutely rely on the information above. This is sad reality! You can also rest assured that each and every coin you are transferring will be conscientiously applied for the purpose mentioned above, that is to finance Delight’s surgical operation in Harare, Zimbabwe, as well as the necessary medical after-treatment.

april 2006

[heavenly hymns 2006] 04|13|06 - back home

Due to unforseeable changes concerning an university internship course schedule hh wasn't available during the last weeks. After clearance of some inconveniences a longer trip through southern africa became reality for me earlier than expected. To keep it short, besides various important impressions, happenings, friendships, conclusions etc. that decisively changed my mind this trip has - how else? - also inspired my musical attitude and my previous preferences...
As soon as I entered the room I left almost 2 months ago to listen to tracks released in the meantime, I was astonished how much the scene has developed towards natural instruments within their tracks. The only live music I came across was made with bongos and congas that I played during my absence to accompany songs. Usually I caught myself mixing some combos and fill-ins known from en-vogue european break-beat and house tunes with some straight traditional local patterns. I have seen some strange traditional instruments also.
As you can imagine I was quite surprised when I heard those sounds that became so familiar to me in new trance and break-style releases. Especially wooden percussion sounds even without further fx-fine-tuning or post-production seem to have started to become more popular these days. Maybe this is one thing that is going to characterize the sound expected for 2006, especially during the summer and early autumn months...
Amongst the tunes spiced with such elements I could also enjoy some very fine productions boasting all over with crystal-clear sonic ingredients, first of all mind-fucking basslines and feather-light carpets, but also very small snippets that made the pieces memorable and somehow unique.
[heavenly hymns 2006] All in all, heavenly hymns is announcing a greater update to mesmerize the masterpieces of the last months. You can expect the list to be worked-over within the next days even if this may become very difficult once more.
Besides this, regarding a new quality measure that has been constituted in the last two years, the list will also be freed from (not necessarily elder) tracks that were more or less commercial and are sounding not very ground-breaking anymore compared to tunes released in the last two or three years and especially those nowadays. This process will be put into effect very carefully.

january 2006

[heavenly hymns 2006] 01|03|06 - happy new year!

Today, we proudly present our first brand-new banner for 2006 - as announced a few days ago. Here at hh headquarters, the year is under the motto "Jump on bubbles, dive the skies" meaning that you can touch new spheres and explore new dimensions (not only of music) if you jump and "get active" somehow! With the heavenly hymns project we provide the "bubbles" you need to scrape the skies... We do everything to push you forward to the music of your dreams!!
By these words, we would like to express the best wishes for 2006! This will certainly become a magnificient year for the global trance scene. Due to impressing improvements in programming techniques and sound engineering, it is definite that the great wave of 2004 and 2005 goes on. Heavenly hymns speculates that especially the progressive styles are about to be touched by a growing influence of former ethno / world music elements as well as subtle and deep vocal carpets providing tunes with width and intensity while making them sound unique. Sounds and background structures will become even more complex and overwhelming. Class and quality will devide the good from the worse sharper and stricter than before within the electronic music scene. Especially producers of the trend styles will have to please the high demands in order to sustain in the hard business.
Heavenly hymns will guide you through this world once more by giving recommendations and presenting promising new artists and tunes. Our project gets in the role of an observer once more.
[ to the top ]

last update: 07|26|13

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short news

new favourites
The hover box above has been updated with hot tunes. party on!

section update: old masters
...some artist names have been put in to get this section started. Nothing spectacular though.

tech news: abc links problem fixed!
the abc quick links at the top of the a-list and the [ top ] links there are functional again. However, it takes some more time to repair other section's [ top ] links and anchors. This is due to the SEO works (header modification for ext. access). Please scroll instead and still avoid using the quick and cross links mentioned above. Thanks!

tech news: DB text errors fixed
The char errors on the newentries page ("\" preceding special chars like """ and "") are fixed.

today: sat | 02|08|25
