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www.heavenly-hymns.de - powered by MGB OpenSource Guestbook

214 Entrys on 22 pages
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1 » Essie from Oldbury-On-Severn
You have got awesome stuff on this web-site.

2 » Reda from Wortel
Extremely useful look forwards to coming back.

3 » Karry from Lookeba
Many thanks, this website is really helpful.

4 » Maryjo from Sandnes
What's up, cool online site you've there.

5 » Stella from Kobenhavn K
Thank you! This is an good web page!

6 » Monika from Eksharad
Really want to point out I am pleased I came onto your internet page!

7 » Alex from Ladendorf
Sustain the amazing work !! Lovin' it!

8 » Belen from Haslum
Great Web page, Keep up the very good work. Appreciate it!

9 » Margherita from Raleigh
Surprisingly user friendly site. Immense info available on few gos to.

10 » Audrey from Ashfield
Much thanks! It a terrific webpage!
1 - »

MGB OpenSource Guestbook © 2004-2025
mgbModern Theme by mopzz

last update: 07|26|13

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© 2005 - 2013 stat!cblue webdesigns

short news

new favourites
The hover box above has been updated with hot tunes. party on!

section update: old masters
...some artist names have been put in to get this section started. Nothing spectacular though.

tech news: abc links problem fixed!
the abc quick links at the top of the a-list and the [ top ] links there are functional again. However, it takes some more time to repair other section's [ top ] links and anchors. This is due to the SEO works (header modification for ext. access). Please scroll instead and still avoid using the quick and cross links mentioned above. Thanks!

tech news: DB text errors fixed
The char errors on the newentries page ("\" preceding special chars like """ and "") are fixed.

today: sat | 02|08|25